Yama no Susume OVA "Omoide Present" Notes
2024 September 29← SEASON 2 | SEASON 3 →
Part 1
ED/SB: Yusuke Yamamoto
AD/Solo KA: Yuusuke Matsuo
This OVA marks a transition between the pure fun/adventure focused first two seasons and the more introspective melancholy of the third. And there's no better character to embody that than Kokona. These days, her mother can't afford to spend as much time with her, unable to take her on even a single trip throughout her summer vacation. But Kokona, being the angel that she is, chooses to accept that and instead go out on her own to all the spots her mother took her to in the past. Despite her day being tinged with melancholy, Yuusuke Matsuo's nonstop three-dimensional layouts keep the screen constantly filled with life, where you can deeply feel how much pathos is exemplified through every one of these locations.

You really can't find many other works in animation that embody that feeling of nostalgia more strongly than this OVA. Nostalgia is always going to be inherently coupled with that bittersweet longing for the past. Even when there will inevitably be times that can't reach the highs of those memories, Kokona has the strength to instead take the opportunity to make new memories while cherishing the memories she has been given. The strength to make the most out of every day, no matter the circumstances. Even if Kokona's mother can't be around as much, you can tell how well she raised Kokona, and the way that she continues to do her best to find time to spend with her, even when they're not the most well-off, is just so... 😭😭🥺 What a great OVA... ;-;
Part 2
SB: Shinpei Ozaki
ED: Kazuya Aiura
AD: Kazuaki Shimada
KA: Kazuaki Shimada, Satoshi Furuhashi
Continuing that theme of memories, we come to one of my favorite stories of the series; one that's just as couched in cherishing the memories of the past while not letting that get in the way of creating new ones. Just one of the most sentimental yet optimistic stories ever...
"Losing something is unfortunate, but we just have to find more! I'm going to fill a treasure chest with tons of memories together with Aoi!"
And I couldn't ask anyone better to bring the experience of this story to life than Kazuaki Shimada, whose distinct takes on these designs are more proudly his than ever—youthful & playful, yet no less capable of expressing more complicated & powerful emotions that's much more reminiscent of China's style. Just incredible artistic skill on display here. Yamasusu is so, so blessed. 😭