Here's where else you can find me on the Internet :P
And here's some other cool sites by other cool people!
Magical Stage! Hosted by my good friend @buildknuckle 😊
Sakuga Blog! Hosted by kViN, a writer who I deeply respect and admire!
artist_unknown! A community blog about sakuga/animation. See who runs the site here.
Keyframe! Hosted by @ftLoic. It's all in French, but some very informative articles here as well. A community-run repository of translated staff lists is hosted on this site as well, and is a very useful resource!
- do you like writing too? want to be included here? contact me at any of the above links with your site (preferrably not just a social media page, an actual site with its own domain or freely hosted on Neocities or Nekoweb would be cool to see. i hope everyone moves off of social media eventually and makes their own sites. then i can include all the ones I love here!)